Film Accelerator

Join a community of filmmakers pooling resources to learn, network, and make movies.

Find your community.
Find your audience.
Make Movies.

If you’re a filmmaker looking to build a career making profitable movies, this is a community for you.
Crowd looking at a stage

The game is rigged

Film industry is failing.
Studios are wasting $ billions on movies nobody wants to watch, while indie market is getting choked and filmmakers have no viable strategies left.
a film slate on fire - using emojis.
Statistically, it’s almost impossible to make a movie.
Even if you do
- You take all the risks
- Lose ownership of your project
- And get paid last after everyone else -
which usually is $0.
It’s time to reimagine how films are
developed, financed, and distributed.

Community-first filmmaking

a film slate on a yellow background


Here you'll find everyone from Emmy winners to new graduates sharing their knowledge and resources.
- Courses
- Workshops
- Chat with guests
- Project breakdowns
a group of people inside a room listening to a speaker


Build meaningful relationships with producers, directors, actors, and everything in between.
- Online community
- In-person meetups
- Co-producer matching
- Job board

Make Movies

We have one goal as a community - to make movies. Join us to build alternative systems to traditional models by pooling resources.
- Development
- Financing
- Sales
- Distribution

Streaming reimagined.
Built to support the filmmaker.

Share revenue
Build your audience
Access your performance data
a play button surrounded by popcorn, money, and chart emojis.

Pricing plan

Become our founding member and get a lifetime discount.

Full access to community
Learn, build relationships, make movies.
For first 500 members. Forever.
Online community
Weekly events
In-person meetups
Guest interviews
Legal templates
Sales & distribution documents
Job board
Vote on accelerator projects

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Making movies is hard, but with this community, you will have the knowledge and the network to make it possible.